Spray on nail polish? Can it be true? Nails inc has came out with a new spray can nail polish that takes three steps for an easy mani. All you need is a base, the spray can, and a top coat. I have heard mixed reviews, so I wanted to try it for myself and see how good it works. I picked up the shade Mayfair Lane at Sally Beauty Supply. Would it really be "the fastest way to get perfectly polished nails"? Find out more below!
To use the Nails inc Paint Can Spray Can Nail Polish, you must use a base coat for it to adhere to the nails. I used the Seche Vite Base Coat and waited for it to dry.
Once the base coat was dry, I then applied the polish by trying to spray it as evenly as I could on my nails. Once that was done, I waited a bit for it to dry some before I applied the top coat. I used Seche Vite Top Coat. The spraying part was easy and the color seems to apply nice and even. I decided to leave it with one coat first to see how well it would stay.
My nails are done with the top coat and I washed off the excess that was on my skin. I messed up my pinky nail when I was applying the top coat, so that was a user error on my part. Washing the product off my skin took some time because I still had little bits of the nail polish even though I had scrubbed my fingers. I felt like it was taking much more time to do these steps than just painting my nails with a regular nail polish. I didn't really see where it was saving me time. My nails looked okay from afar but not the greatest. I've been faster when I've used regular polish so I'm not really sure where the benefit of this is.
My expectations:
- Easy to apply
- Color would spray evenly
- Would last at least 3-4 days
A question you might have is, how long did it last? My mani with the top coat lasted one day. Yep, just one day. I only expected it to last at least three days but it was even less than that. I might try it with more coats and that might help it to last longer. I will report back if that makes any kind of difference. It was definitely something different to try and I know more brands will be coming out with their own spray nail polish soon.
Nails inc Paint Can Spray Can Nail Polish retails for $11.99 and can be found at Sally Beauty Supply.
Let me know your thoughts on this! Would you try spray on nail polish?
♥ Stephanie
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